Frontend News 19 September — 25 September
1 min readSep 27, 2022
Apple Podcast | Google Podcast | Spotify | Anchor | Amazon Music | Castbox | Pocket Casts | Radio Public | Stitcher |
- Scrollable text gallery from with Threejs
- What’s New In Gatsby 2022?
- Learn Three.js and React by coding your own playable Minecraft game
- Jenkins course
- React I Love You, But You’re Bringing Me Down
- Tesseract.js v3.0.3
- Qwik version v.0.9.0
- Electron v19.1.0
- Chartist v.1.1.13
- React-router v.6.4.1
- Puppeteer 18.0.5
- React-joyride 2.5.3
- WS: a Node.js WebSocket library 8.9.0
- Upscayl 1.5.0
Trending Github repositories
- Awesome-css-frameworks 31 stars this week
- Normalize.css 68 stars this week
- Next.js 391 stars this week
- Reactjs-interview-questions 375 stars this week
- Theatre.js 910 stars this week
- FreeCodeCamp 728 stars this week
- Animate.css with 94 stars this week
Events (Hackatones, etc.)