Frontend News 22–28 August

Alexey Rubinchyk
2 min readAug 28, 2022


Hi all. My name is Alexey Rubinchyk and today I am glad to present you my podcast about front-end news. Every week I will pick for you all the most interesting news, releases and other materials.

All materials will be presented in text and audio formats.

What information do I intend to cover?

1) Development events and news. Various competitions and hackathons, new projects, new ideas and more.
2) Conferences and meetings.
3) Articles.
4) Releases.
5) Trending Github repositories related to web development, user interfaces, JS / TS for the last week.
6) Rubric interesting. Everything that is not included in the previous categories. Something useful, perhaps unique, and of interest to you.

This is my first experience in creating this kind of information materials. I have a great desire to be useful and to support this podcast in a quality manner.
Please subscribe to the podcast. I will be very glad for your constructive suggestions and wishes.

Apple podcasts

Google podcasts




Trending Github repositories


Events (Hackatones, etc.)




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